Natural Beginning Shares Details on Our First Birth Experience

On Sunday, September 15, less than two weeks after we opened our doors, Stacy Smalley and Siobhan Kubesh delivered Baby Ivy, the first baby in our new birth center. 

We recently had a chance to chat with the mother about her experience and we wanted to share the Q&A session with our current and future patients. 

-Was labor and delivery what you expected based on the knowledge you had ahead of time? 
This being my second child, I was hoping that, like most anecdotes I’d heard, it would be an easier and faster birth than my first.  Indeed it was!  Labor was shorter, and delivery was much more straightforward.  I also got to deliver in the tub, which was just as marvelous as I’d built it up to be.

-What was your favorite part about birthing at NBBC? 
The tub was glorious!  Also, I had the utmost confidence in my two midwives, Siobhan & Stacy.  They directed me perfectly throughout the labor and delivery, and explained things to a high level as I like my health care professionals to do. They were extremely patient and resourceful and I felt great ease knowing I was in their hands.

-What was the experience like as a whole?
I labored at home for about 6 hours before coming in to the birth center at 8:30.  I think I had steeled myself up for the pain of natural childbirth enough that I almost waited at home too long!  When I arrived Stacy measured me at 8 cm.  After that exam and a quick check on baby’s heartbeat, I arrived in my beautiful room at about 8:45, with very intense contractions.  My water broke at 9:01, and Siobhan said the most glorious sentence to me: “Cate, with second pregnancies, when the water breaks the baby is usually very close to birthing”.  I had a couple contractions on the floor, hugging a birthing ball, before getting in the tub.  Unlike my first birth, where I never felt the urge to push, I felt strong urges to push this time around.  Stacy coached me in breathing techniques – I clung to her words as I focused intently on the window – and very shortly baby Ivy swooshed out into the water.  The warm water made it all feel very comfortable, and then there I was, lounging in a cozy tub with my baby girl on my chest.  What a great feeling, what a great birth.

-How is your daughter doing? 
Baby Ivy is doing great!  She took to nursing easily and vigorously, right at the birthing center.  She squeals and smiles and wiggles and smells great so all the bonding is happening right on schedule.  

We are thrilled to share her experience and look forward to many more beautiful births at the center. In fact, the second baby has already arrived. If you have any questions about our birth center, please give us a call. 


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